Amnesalia Tree
     Native to the Aberrant Forest and the lower slopes of the Zaran and Maruk mountain ranges, the Amnesalia is very beautiful, a tall growth with long, graceful branches. The tree “calls” sentient creatures to it by means of a form of telepathy, and once they are in range it drains memories from its victims. The purpose of this memory drain and the origins of the tree are unknown. They are known to grow up to 60 feet in height.
     Gargantuan Plant; HD 16d10; Init –; Spd 0; AC 12 (+6 natural, -4 Size); Atk none; SA memory drain; SQ plant; SV Fort +10, Ref –, Will –
     SA: Memory Drain: the tree’s call has a 100-foot radius and must be resisted with a Will Save (DC 26). The memory drain has a 10-foot range and takes d10 minutes to complete. The victim is allowed another Will Save to resist. If the victim succeeds, the tree gains memories but the victim forgets nothing and is not harmed. If the save is failed, the tree gains the victim’s memories of the last d20- Wis modifier months and is disoriented for d20 hours.
     SQ: Plant: immune to poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, and polymorphing. Not subject to critical hits or mind-influencing effects.
Bombardier Tree
     Another predatory tree which relies on the decomposition of nutrient-rich animal bodies. It flings six-inch “bombs” in order to secure its victims, reacting to motion on the ground nearby. A tree can have a maximum of 40 “bombs” at any one time, d10 of which may be hurled in any one round.
     Huge Plant; HD 4d10; Init +0; Spd 0; AC 14 (+6 natural, -2 size); Atk +3 ranged (d6 per bomb to all within 5-foot radius); SQ: blindsight (detects motion on ground within 40 feet); SV Fort +4, Ref –, Will –.
     SQ: Plant: immune to poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, and polymorphing. Not subject to critical hits or mind-influencing effects.
Emperor Plant
     This species of plant is found in temperate woodland regions and semitropical jungles. It is so-named for its ability to control other forms of vegetation, which it does by sending forth root-like tendrils through the soil. These tendrils attach themselves to the victim’s root system, eventually winding their way throughout the entire organism and bringing it under the direct control of the emperor plant.
     Plants and trees that have fallen under the control of an emperor plant exhibit sinister, often violent behavior; choking cultivated plants, undermining structures, forming living barriers of throns and brambles, etc. They may even attack other life forms, by merging their tendrils with the central nervous system of their victims. If the emperor plant is not found and destroyed, it can gain control of every living thing within its sphere of influence.
     If attacked directly, the emperor plant will defend itself with its tendrils, which can emerge from the ground with surprising speed. Once it has entangled a victim, it will seek to establish control by sending its tendrils into the victim, typically through the ears or mouth. Emperor plants fear fire above all things, except plant grues, their mortal enemies. Emperor plants can range in size from 10-30 feet.
     Large Plant; HD 4d8+5; Init -2; Spd 0; AC 10; Atk +7 melee (entangling tendrils); SA plant, control other lifeforms; SV Fort +4, Ref –, Will +11; Str 20, Dex 6, Con 20, Int 12, Wis 24, Cha 12
     SA: Plant: immune to poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, and polymorphing. Not subject to critical hits or mind-influencing effects.
     Denizens of the dark forest of Werewood, mandragores are a species of intelligent and mobile plant life. Rarely exceeding three feet in height, they are roughly humanoid in form with gnarled, rootlike limbs and leafy “hair.”  Their eyes are like dark knots, their mouths like the twisted hollows of small trees.
     Mandragores are inactive by day, when they stand rooted to the ground, appearing like normal plants. In the evenings, these vile creatures uproot themselves and stalk the forest in bands of up to two dozen, searching for prey. They use nets of vines and grasses to snare their victims, whom they bury alive, feeding on them like compost. Their feeding grounds often contain an assortment of valuables buried along with the remains of their victims.
     Though they are quite intelligent, they are weak creatures who depend on surprise and numbers to trap their prey. They fear fire with a passion. They possess a magical influence over dead wood, and can warp or animate it at will. As they speak the secret language of plants, they are coveted as familiars by some mages.
     Small Plant; HD 2d8; Init +3; Spd 20 ft; AC +17 (+3 Dex, +3 natural, +1 Size); Atk +0 melee (1d4 slap); SA warp or animate unliving wood and plants; SQ speak with plants, night vision, animate and control deadwood, plant; SV Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +2; Str 6, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 10
     SQ: Plant: immune to poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, and polymorphing. Not subject to critical hits or mind-influencing effects.
     Mang are a form of sentient tree found in the Aberrant Forest, certain parts of Werewood, and other isolated woodlands. In most respects, they resemble large, ancient, deciduous trees. Close examination reveal the gnarled facial features and may also earn the observer a nasty bump on the head. Mang do not appreciate being gawked at by strangers and are not averse to displays of physical violence when they feel it warranted. They can reach heights of up to 40 feet.
     Though they are able to speak and can move their upper branches at will, mang are stationary creatures who must remain rooted to the soil. They can communicate with other forms of plant life using telepathy, and know much of what transpires in their domain. They can live for centuries, and often possess great stores of wisdom. They occasionally consent to provide information in return for a favor. They consider themselves authorities on their native domains, and sometimes dispense advice without requesting compensation.
     Huge Plant; HD 14d8+5; Init +7; Spd 0; AC 12 (+4 natural, -2 Size); Atk +14 melee (2d6+6 limb); SA can use roots to trip/entangle; SQ plant, communicate with plants up to 1 mile away, detect presences up to 200 ft away; SV Fort +14, Ref –, Will +11; Str 22, Dex –, Con 20, Int 24, Wis 24, Cha 14
     SQ: Plant: immune to poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, and polymorphing. No subject to critical hits, or mind-influencing effects.
     This giant flowering plant is native to certain swamps and marshlands. It exudes a scent that is irresistible to most living creatures and may be borne on the wind for distances of up to four miles. Once a victim comes close enough, the mantrap enfolds it in its petals; death by asphyxiation quickly results, after which the mantrap gradually dissolves and digests its prey, disgorge any inedible materials later. The pollen of mantraps is used to make a potent narcotic.
     Large Plant; HD 3d18+3; Init +0; Spd 0; AC 11 (+2 natural, -1 Size); Atk +4 melee (suffocation); SA: narcotic (Fort Save, DC 13, or approach in fascination); SQ plant; SV Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +1; Str 16, Dex –, Con 16, Int 7, Wis 10, Cha 7
     SQ: Plant: immune to poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, and polymorphing. Not subject to critical hits or mind-influencing effects.